(This 2.0 has nothing related to Bersih 2.0 that demonstrated in KL on 9 July 2011. But I remind any of you reading this, please register to vote if u are above 21 years old and vote in the next election. BEFORE 13 SEPT 2011 or you are NOT qualified to vote for the next election! I think that's what we must do as a Malaysian for a better Malaysia. I admire those attended the rally. Malaysia really need Malaysians like you :-) Thank you.
PSK 2.0 means I'm sailing into another major chapter in journey of my lifetime. A journey that took me quite some time to decide considering a lot of aspects in my life and future. In the end of pros and cons, present and future weighing moment, I choose the one less taken :-)
The only word to describe my current state is LONELY. Obviously. I missed out a lot of things because of this choice I've taken. There will be a lot a lot a lot many much more enjoyable moments that I might never ever have in my life.
The thing that I really miss is the time I spent together with my dad, mum and brothers. This is the most precious moment ever in my life. Although we don't really spent our days together always, but an hour of breakfast or dinner few days a week is already enough to make myself feel that I have a family that's always with me. A cup off coffee, breads and two half-boiled eggs every Sunday morning sitting in front of our tv set together has been one of my many priceless moment in my life.
My mum just called me. We talked for bout 10-15 minutes. It's not the same like when I was studying in Sheffield for 3 months. I called her every weekend and I knew I would be going back to Malaysia and live like usual. But this time, I don't know when will I quit my job here and go back to Klang. I have a feeling that I'll be staying here forever. So, I always remind myself I'll be back one day..... but the day is still far away...
Yes, I'll be going back every month or two, but it's not the same. It's totally different for me. I wish I could understand why am I born with such weak heart....
I know I'm such an idiot, I can always go back home in an hour flight and so near but again, it's very different.
Besides family, I lost every little moment I could have spent with friends. The time we had were simply too meaningful and joyful filled with laughters.
I miss futsal which is part of my life. It's not the ball that i miss.. It's not the goal.... It's not the pitch... It's the burning passion by just simply kicking the ball go around me and every of my teammates attacking and defensing together till the abang kaunter close the court spotlight........
Wtf. Don't laugh. It's true.
I'm not saying that I'm regret to work here. It's a sacrifice that I have already knew long before the day I took my first step. Just that it's more than I had expected. I believe I would have been more regretful if I'm still working in Malaysia today. I still believe this :-)
So, I need to get on with my life here. I'll change the surrounding, not the surrounding changes me. Lol. Sound promising?
That's all ;-) My work just loaded this few days. It's hard to arrange earlier my time to go back home :-(
Take care all of you!
(wtf i'm being so emo) XD