I am going to complete my journey, journey of studying. It’s been 17 years gaining marvellous knowledge in many institutions. Most of us don’t really understand the excitement and joy in the education period. Including me? Try ask any of the elders out there. they will only reply with the same answer. “study is the best”. Although we suffer to compete our assignment, burning midnite oil to do revision and even wasting all of our time in school, but we don’t have to hold any commitments and heavy responsibilities during the moment. Don’t think that working is fun coz can earn money. Hahaha…..just enjoy and appreciate all every moment of your study time. We will step to the frustrated, exhausted and complex world in the future. Enjoy where you still can. Hehehe.
weekend dinner~ home made udon by Minister of F&B, mrs Phua~ meat balls, chicken meat, fish slices and udon. yummy~!
you see how big it. The F&B Minister dont understand the need of the citizens. Treated too well. ^^
POUNDS~! thanks to the Finance Minister, Mr Phua. Owe you first. Pay you few years later. haha~ my final destination, my study destination.
Edited : added more Red and increased Contrast.
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